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GOT QUESTIONS? We've got answers.

Our most Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find what you're looking for here - Please see our Policies page for more thorough details about how we operate.

What areas do you provide service?

We service the following zip codes: 33629, 33611, 33616, 33609, 33602, 33606, & 33621.

Some restrictions apply:

  • 33606 South of I-275 & Kennedy Blvd Only. Includes Downtown, Channelside, Harbour & Davis Islands. Ybor area is not serviceable at this time.
  • 33621 – While we can offer services on Macdill AFB, there are rules we need to follow according to the base. Please Contact Us for details.

How do I get started?

Read through our Services & Policies. Then head on over to our Contact Us page. Give us a call, or send us a message with your name, zip code, contact info(phone or email), services you’re interested in & dates you’ll need us. Management will contact you within 24 hours, often sooner if it’s earlier in the day.

Please note: We do hold Office Hours Mon – Fri between 9am – 6pm & Saturday between 10am – 2pm. Messages and Calls are responded to within those hours.

What is a ``Meet & Greet``? And do I need one?

A “Meet & Greet” is where we come to your house and get to know you and your pet(s). We will discuss everything we need to know to properly care for your pets and home while you are away. This includes your pet(s) usual routines, feedings, any medications or medical concerns, their likes and dislikes, favorite games or toys, hiding spots for cats, location of pet & household supplies, Vet and any medical info, emergency info & emergency contact, and so on. This also gives you, your pet(s), and Pet Care Professionals a chance to get to know each other so everyone is familiar and comfortable before services begin.  This is mandatory for all new clients. It’s important for your pet(s) to feel at ease with new people entering your home. This is also when we collect the keys and finalize your schedule. This is a FREE service and there will be no charges.

How far in advance do I need to book?

For any major Holidays, as soon as possible. Holidays & Summer weekends are our busiest time and Holidays are often booked completely 1-2 weeks out. We suggest booking at minimum 3 weeks in advance for any major Holiday. More if you can. For everything else, if you are a new client, we ask that you book at least 1-2 weeks in advance for any service. We need time to get you set up in our client portal and schedule a Meet & Greet with your Pet Care Professionals. We can not guarantee availability for anything booked less than a week in advance for new clients. After you are an established client, we will do our best to accommodate you at any time. While we prefer you book services in advance, we understand emergencies or travel opportunities come up. We can’t always guarantee availability if you don’t book in advance, but we will absolutely make it work if we can.

Do you offer Last Minute or Same-Day Services?

Technically, yes. If we CAN accommodate you and make it work, we WILL. We have managed some miracles before. However, certain things need to fall into place. If you are a NEW client, we need you to get you set up in our client portal first, which involves you filling out detailed information about your pets and home. We also need to schedule a Meet & Greet with your Pet Care Professional to meet you and your pets in advance to providing services(this is non-negotiable). We need keys & forms filled out. These things take time. For that reason, we can not guarantee any availability if you wait to book until the last minute. And would most likely be unavailable for same-day service or last minute for a major Holiday.

We would much prefer if you could at least give us 2-3 days notice to get you all set up. And about 1-2 weeks would be your best chance at open availability.

If you’re interested in Weekly Dog Walking Services, We need at least 1 week advance notice to adjust the weekly schedule to add you in.

Once you are established as a client, it is much easier to provide you with these types of services. We can not always guarantee Last Minute availability, but if there’s a way to make it work, we absolutely will. More often than not, if it isn’t a major Holiday or Summer weekend, we can likely make it work.

How are keys handled and stored?

All keys have a tag with a unique ID number that corresponds to your client account as well as your pets first name. There is no other identifying information on it other than that. Key ID numbers are stored in our client portal where only we have access to it. Keys are stored in a combo locked safe inside our office. Only management has access to these keys. Keys are checked out to the Pet Care Professional during your time of service and returned after service ends. Keys stay in the safe indefinitely until you need service again or request them to be returned. Please see our “Key & Access Policies” on our Policies page for more details & requirements for access to your home.

Will I have the same Pet Care Professional for each visit?

For the most part, we try to provide you with the same Pet Care Professionals each time you use our services. We assign 3 to each client so that there is always a backup person who is familiar with your pet and their routine. Someone can always step in to care for your pet(s) should an emergency rise and and another Pet Care Professional becomes unavailable. This also allows us great flexibility in our schedule and the ability to accommodate you and any need for service you may have throughout the year.  You will be able to meet all of your Pet Care Professionals before any services begin at the Meet & Greet, so you know exactly who is caring for your pet at all times. If there is any reason we switch a new Pet Care Professional to your account (someone no longer works with us for any reason or your regulars are booked) we will ALWAYS notify you in advance and give you the opportunity to meet them in person first. We feel it’s important to always know who is in your home and that you and your pet(s) feel comfortable with them.

How will I know if the Pet Care Professional has been to my house and completed my service?

When you sign up, we set you up with an account in our Client Portal. Our Client Portal uses an advance software that allows us to manage client & pet information, scheduling, online payments, GPS tracking of Pet Care Professionals, and so much more.  This system is not just for clients though. Our Pet Care Professionals also use the same software to log their visits. This includes arrival/departure times, GPS location, and you will be emailed a journal entry detailing the visit with pictures. You’ll never have to question if your pet(s) are receiving the services you booked.

What times can you provide services? OR can you visit exactly at 12:00pm?

We can schedule visits anytime between 7am-11pm and Sleepover Stays between the hours of 9pm and 7am. However, we cannot guarantee an exact time of arrival due to many factors, such as driving distances, weather conditions, traffic, pet emergencies, previous visits running over or other unforeseen circumstances.  What we do is schedule visits within a 2 hour time frame. Ex: 7-9am, 8-10am, 12-2pm, 1-3pm, ect. Your Pet Care Professional will arrive for your scheduled visit within that time frame. So when requesting services, think of your ideal time for a visit, and +/- 1 hour each way to decide what time frame you want it scheduled in.

Is your company insured or bonded? Are Pet Care Professionals screened before working for you?

Yes. Yes. Yes, again. Tampa Pet Sitters is a fully Insured & Bonded company. Your home, property, and pets are fully protected while in our care. Our Pet Care Professionals are also thoroughly screened before hire. We run a very extensive background check on Federal, State, & County levels. We also screen & test applicants for specific animal care knowledge such as behavior(recognizing signs of stress, anxiety, and fear and how to handle it), Basic First Aid Care(recognizing signs of illness/injury & providing initial treatment for common pet emergencies) and how to handle emergency situations such as walking equipment malfunctioning, pets escaping, breaking up dog fights, and more. Their references and work history are thoroughly checked and confirmed, they’re screened through a phone interview, through an in-person interview, and then they shadow visits with Management all before they’re allowed to enter client’s homes alone. We make sure that they understand our client’s expectations and that their pet care philosophy and values align with ours before they care for your pets.

How are you prepared to handle Emergencies?

First, we are fully insured and bonded so your home, property, and pets are protected while in our care. We’re also First Aid & CPR Certified and Fear-Free Certified. We’re prepared to deal with pet emergency illnesses, injuries, and know how to properly handle fearful, stressed, or anxious pets. We also take certain measures when we sign you up to make sure things run smoothly. We keep your Veterinarian Info on file in the client portal where we can easily access it within seconds. We also require an Emergency Contact to be listed there in the case that you can’t be reached. And then there are a few Emergency legal forms we have you fill out. The Emergency Guardianship form tells us who we can legally release your pets to in case you never return from a trip, and the Emergency Vet Form allows us to approve emergency treatment at a Vet if you are unable to be reached immediately(Ex: out of country travel, no cell service). You may put a monetary limit on the Emergency treatment allowed if you wish, and we will make every effort possible to contact you or your emergency contact before approving any treatment. We also cover a lot of information in our client

Do you handle ``special needs`` pets, dogs with ``issues``, or pets with a bite history or aggression?

In general, yes to some, but not all. It is on a case by case basis. We ask that you please disclose to us, in detail, any issues your pet may have, any history of aggression/biting, or any health concerns. We need to make sure that we are equipped, comfortable, and properly prepared to deal with it. We also need to make sure we have you matched with the right Pet Care Professionals. While all of us are very knowledgeable, some of us do specialize in certain aspects of care such as special health & medical needs or behavioral issues. For animals with a bite history, or history of aggression to humans, you will need to do a behavioral evaluation with our Trainer first, before we are able to agree to provide service. Or, if you are already working with a Trainer, our Trainer will need to discuss the details of their history & case with them before we are able to agree to provide services.

Are there any Holidays or days & times you do not provide service?

No. We operate 24/7, 365 days a year. Some times are busier than others and require more advance booking to guarantee availability.

Please Note: this pertains to the actual pet care portion of our services. We do keep Office Hours for Management & day to day operations(Mon – Fri, 9am-6pm & Sat. 10am-2pm). However, if you have an emergency and are a current client with services in progress, or a current client that needs emergency services, you will be responded to and assisted immediately and can contact Management anytime for help.

Still have questions?

Contact us for more answers.