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Shauna Lee September 9, 2022

Not known Factual Statements About Buy Weed Online In Atlanta, Georgia - Shop Cannabis ...

Not known Factual Statements About Buy Weed Online In Atlanta, Georgia – Shop Cannabis … To place it an additional means, it has something to…

Shauna Lee August 19, 2019
Announcement: New Perks & MASSIVE Pet Product Discounts!

Announcement: New Perks & MASSIVE Pet Product Discounts!

FINALLY. We’ve mentioned this in previous newsletters. And we’ve been researching for months to find the BEST options to benefit YOU, our clients. Food,…

Shauna Lee June 3, 2019
Canine Enrichment Guide

Canine Enrichment Guide

CANINE ENRICHMENT WRITTEN BY: Amanda Vincent INSTAGRAM:  @stitchedcaninestudios In our day to day lives as humans were experience so many things to provide us…

Shauna Lee April 8, 2019
Your Best Friend Can Kill You(But Probably Won't): Intro to Zoonotic Diseases (More Fun Things to Share with your Dog!)

Your Best Friend Can Kill You(But Probably Won't): Intro to Zoonotic Diseases (More Fun Things to Share with your Dog!)

Let’s start this off with some terminology! Zoonotic: Pertaining to a Zoonosis: a disease that can be transmitted from animals to people, specifically that normally…

Shauna Lee February 25, 2019
A Rambling: Semi-Coherent thoughts about recent Dog-Wolf Evolution research, and the effect on Human Perspective, from a Behavioral Standpoint.

A Rambling: Semi-Coherent thoughts about recent Dog-Wolf Evolution research, and the effect on Human Perspective, from a Behavioral Standpoint.

For a long time, Scientists have researched and theorized on how and when the domesticated dog we know and love today, evolved from the wild and untamed wolf. Genetic…

Shauna Lee January 6, 2019
Quiet Morning Moments

Quiet Morning Moments

I’ve just stirred from sleep, still lying in bed. I’m aware, but not fully awake. Conscious, but still trying to gather my surroundings as I feel her stir…

Shauna Lee September 9, 2018
How Positive Reinforcement Training Works & How to Properly Utilize Rewards

How Positive Reinforcement Training Works & How to Properly Utilize Rewards

Despite some outdated ways of thinking, the truth is that Dogs don’t just know how to behave. They need to be taught and the behavior you want from them needs…